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Blog Post

Nov 10

Why start young?

Happy Wednesday IHD family! We’re making our way through our fall session and with 2022 and our winter session on the way, we are looking forward to greeting new dancers at the studio. As dance educators we are often asked what the perfect age for a child to start dance lessons is. At IHD we think the sooner the better. Our Princess and Creative dance programs start at age 2. Every child is different but young dancers are often hungry for structure and routine, sponges for information and excited to be in class. Here are some reasons to start your child’s dance journey at a young age. 


Coordination and Fine Motor Skills 

Dance has been used to develop grace, balance and coordination in young people and athletes for hundreds of years. Young people are still learning to move efficiently and introducing dance and this young age can build physical strength that can last a lifetime. 


Structure and Discipline 

Young dancers love a schedule. Our structured but play based classes are a great way to introduce children to an environment outside of their home where they will be required to follow instructions, simple rules and be guided by an adult outside of their family. In our dance classes they will have a blast dancing around the room but also learn skills they can take with them to be successful in other classrooms. 


Confidence and Independence

Many children, especially these days, don’t get many opportunities to be away from their parents or families. Our classes provide a safe space for dancers to find their confidence. With parents just around the corner dancers will learn they can try new things and gain new skills all on their own. 


Lifelong Mentorships  

One of the greatest things about being dance educators is watching our dancers grow. Sometimes we get to teach and mentor a dancer for 10-15 years. Our dancers become part of our second family and we are given the opportunity to teach our students dance but be a part of their growth and development as young people. This is not something taken lightly at IHD. We strive to be not only great dance educators but great role models to our students. 


Lifelong Friendships 

Our classes are a great place for dancers to meet other children their own age. Time and time again we see dancers connect in class and friendships blossom in and out of the studio. These friendships often extend to the dancer's families as well. Dance classes are a great place to meet young families at the same stage as yours and develop friendships that can help you through this crazy season of life. 


It is never a bad time to take up dance. We welcome dances of all ages into our studio. Dance has been such a gift in our lives for so long, we are always enthusiastic to share it with our students for as long as we can. So thinking of signing up your little one for a dance class? Don’t wait! We are sure you won’t regret it.

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